Text: 07734 214366

Cat Breeder
Come and play!

Welcome to Gentle Giants where Maine Coons are our passion. Did you know that Maine Coons are the largest domestic breed? The Maine Coon cat is a gentle giant and can’t help but make their presence known in your home. Maine Coons are affectionate and tactile pets - always up for a cuddle; they are said to be very intelligent and can be taught to fetch, walk on leads and open doors!
My cats are my cherished pets that I breed as a hobby, so they live completely in my home where they can stretch out on the sofa in front of the wood burner during winter. A catio on two sides of the house gives room for play, climbing, sunbathing or a heated snug in the winter if they prefer to be outside. They even catch the occasional mouse! Click the Gentle Giants button below to sneek a peak.
I have one male called Diesel who was imported from Russia whose parents hold Grand International Championship status and I have three ladies keeping him company called Prada, Coco and Chanel. All cats are genetically tested for the four major defects known to Maine Coons. PKD = Polycystic Kidney Disease, SMA = Spinal Muscular Atrophy, PKDef = Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency and HCM = Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.
All babies are born in the family home and will join you fully socialised and used to all the usual sounds of a family household.
The kittens are registered through the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF). You can learn more from their website about the standards and practices that are required from breeders by clicking the button below.
For a more interactive experience please click the Facebook button where you will be able to see past litters, beautiful photograph albums and videos. If you are adopting a baby, this is where you will see regular updates. Please follow the links given here to be sure you are not landing on bogus pages on Facebook.